If you are a student who attends another college or university, but you’ve chosen to come to Moraine Valley for a few credit courses, you are considered a visiting university student. To enroll in a credit course at Moraine Valley, follow these steps:


入学的第一步是 complete an admission application.

Completed or in progress coursework from other colleges may meet prerequisites. 请到 参观大学 Student’s 页面 for more information on how to meet prerequisites.

You can register for courses and make payment 使用MVConnect, visiting Registration (Room S103), or by calling Registration at 708-974-2110.

康纳·帕里什(橡树草坪), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.


Search and apply for available  scholarships



Start your admission application


Certain students require additional steps to complete their college application. Please review the selected student type below that applies to you for any additional requirements

申请 退伍军人教育福利.

应用 to 冰碛谷社区学院. 

Submit your transcripts along with your DD214形式. The Report of Separation contains information normally needed to verify military service for benefits, 退休, 就业, and membership in veterans' organizations.

携带所有文件(COE), DD214, placement exam results) to Building G, 房间G240, to schedule a date for 取向.

First time GI Bill benefit users will need to complete a mandatory Veterans 取向. Continuing students who have attended a Veterans 取向 session must meet with an academic advisor each semester prior to registering. The academic advisors will assist with course selections prior to registration.

Online orientation takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. There will be a final quiz to complete after the last section.

For additional information, visit the 经验丰富的服务 页面. 

For admission instructions, please visit our 国际学生 application steps 页面

If you have taken college courses at another institution and would like to transfer to Moraine Valley, you must additionally have your official transcripts from college(s) previously attended and transcript evaluation request form sent to Records Office (Room S111).

A returning student is any student who has not been enrolled at Moraine Valley for at least two years (six semesters). Returning students must be readmitted to the college.

You must visit the Registration Office(Room S103) to update current address and program of study. If you attended one or more colleges during this interim period, official transcripts for all academic work taken since last attending Moraine Valley must be submitted.

If your enrollment has been interrupted by six or more consecutive semesters (including summer semesters), 你可以继续学习了, but your catalog year and program of study to the current semester must be updated through the Registration Office.

Students are encouraged to visit 学术顾问 in S201 to discuss degree or certificate requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment.

If you are unable to complete the online application, please 点击这里 and complete the paper form and return to 澳门网上真人赌博官网 S101.